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Heating with Teploceramic
For heating an area of 1m2, using the panel, it consumes 50W of electricity - that is the consumption to heat the room with a small heat loss. Consumption calculation: 50W/m2 x house area x 8 working hours per day (heaters working time according to the given indicators) x 30 days = consumption of electricity. Next, multiply the result by the tariff.
Comparison of ceramic infrared panels with convection type heating
The main difference between Teplokeramic panels and convection heating is that they operate differently.

Heating with Teploceramic
Infrared panels do not heat walls and adjacent materials. Electricity is consumed only for space heating and human comfort. After heating the room, the panels are rarely turned on, because the walls of the room keep the heat in and switching them on again is only required when a higher temperature increase is needed.
Convection heating
The convector heats the air. Warm air masses rise, cold descend, the temperature at the ceiling is higher than at human height. So: you remain cold cold while hot air accumulates under the ceiling. Due to its properties, the air cools down quickly and the convector has to be switched on frequently to keep the heat in the room. In addition, warm air exits through the ventilation system - as a result, you heat the street, not your home. This means that approximately 25% of used energy is wasted.
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